We had the privilege of hosting the NHRD Titan HR Showcase 2014 program 19/20th September at Bangalore. It was indeed a momentous occassion for NHRD Bangalore to host the HR Showcase program and it was heartening & very encouraging for us to see the overwhelming response that we got from Organisations, HR Service Providers, Sponsors, Academia & Research. It was a great team effort under the leadership of Sudheesh and we thoroughly enjoyed organising this event.
We are glad that the participants & visitors enjoyed being part of this program and found it fruitful in participation. We look forward to your continued patronage towards NHRD Bangalore Chapter and in our journey of networking HR Professionals and sharing our thoughts, knowledge & experiences and enriching the HR Community at large.
In all we had 40 Corporates showcasing their HR Best Practices, 13 Start Ups and 7 Research papers showcased as part of this program. We had around 2000+ visitors visiting the program spread over 2 days.
As part of this program we had invited world renowned Leadership Coach, Marshall Goldsmith to the Guest of Honour at the NHRD Titan HR Showcase 2014 program conducted by the NHRD Bangalore Chapter to commemorate its Silver Jubilee celebration on the 20thSeptember 2014.
Marshall Goldsmith has been recognized as the # 1 leadership thinker in the world and one of the top ten Most-Influential Business Thinkers in the World and the top-ranked executive coach at the 2013 biennial Thinkers50 ceremony in London.
Dr. Goldsmith is the author or editor of 34 books, which have sold over two million copies, been translated into 30 languages and become bestsellers in 12 countries. He has written two New York Times bestsellers, MOJO and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There – a Wall Street Journal #1 business book and winner of the Harold Longman Award for Business Book of the Year.
His address was eagerly awaited for by the audience and he didn’t disappoint.
Be happy now. Not next week, not next month, not next year. Now. The great Western disease we are spreading around the world is “I’ll be happy when……” When I get that BMW, when I get that newhouse, when I get that status. Don’t get so wrapped up looking at what youdon’t have that you miss that, what you do have.
People keep chasing the future, without realizing what they have before them at present and fail to appreciate all the good things that they have got/achieved in the past. He exhorted the participants to “Live in the present and enjoy it.”
Appreciate your friends and family. When you’re 95 years old and you’re on your death bed, do you think you’ll be surrounded by your clients? It’s your friends and family who matter most. Many a great people who have achieved so much (in terms of fame, position & wealth) have had many regrets on their dying bed and have not passed away a happy person. Many of them have lived a lonely life and died a loner. They miss their family and their near & dear ones. They had everything at their disposal but missed the love & affection. Spend time with your near & loved ones and don’t postpone it for a later day.
If you have a dream, go for it. Want to write a book? Visit Switzerland? Learn to speak Mandarin? Your dream doesn’t have to be big–itcould be one that people think is silly, or just plain nuts. It’s your dream, and you should go for it now because when you’re 75, you may not be able to do it.
All of us are equal in death. We are not going to carry anything with us on our death. Share all what you have with others and don’t just chase wealth for yourself. Live as if each day is your last day.
People spend most of their time – 75% of their time trying to control, what they cannot control. Let go of things that we cannot control with a deep breathe and focus on what we can control. It reminds me of my Father in Law who used to say “what cannot be cured must be endured”. He exhorted us to focus on what we can change that is under our control and not waste our time and stressing ourselves on things that we cannot change because its not under our control. He gave the example of Bangalore Traffic and how people fret & fume and get stressed about Bangalore Traffic. But whats the point. We cant change it by stressing & fuming as it is not in our control.
He also exhorted Live for Yourself and not for others. He said follow you heart.
On the HR front he said, that Organisation Values are mostly in-scripted on plaques and hung on walls and dont really carry a meaning. Its ultimately your values (individual values) that script an Organisation success.
He also said that Employee engagement will not be a success unless you win over your employees heart.
All in all it was an inspiring address and truly inspired many in the audience and was certainly one of the best piece of the HR Showcase program. It certainly touched our heart for me and my son Anish. We thoroughly enjoyed it and will work hard to follow his advise and live in the present, for we do not know how long we will last……..