Yes “Memsahib”

Its going to be around 62 years since we got our independence from the British Raj, but are we moving towards a “US Raj”. Why do we time and again bend backwards to placate the US. Two historical blunders by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently makes one to wonder so.

Where is the need to rush into a dialogue with Pakistan. Time and again they have rubbed salt into our wound. As PM Manmohan Singh agrees to look at the possibility of resumption of the peace process with Pakistan, many in India look at the move as a climbdown. Till July 17, India’s public stand vis-à-vis Pakistan was firm- no talks till terror is tackled and perpetrators of 26/11 are brought to justice. That changed in Sharm el Sheikh.

It is only betrayal and confusion. The government has shattered the hopes and expectations not just of the Mumbai victims’ families but of the whole nation.

The Pakistan Government has been going flip flop on its commitment to prosecute the perpetrators of the Mumbai Terror attack. They recently acquitted JuD chief Hafiz Mohammed Sayeed. And yet the Prime Minister is in a hurry to resume dialogue with Pakistan in the name of composite dialogue.

Where is the need and what are you going to talk on other than terrorism “Mr. Prime Minister”. Do we really need trade, cultural exchanges, sports encounters, tourism more than tacking “Terror”.

The talks have been resumed to please US, on the eve of the visit of Hillary Clinton. And there is the oft repeated certificate from “Memsahib”. The US has not pressurised India to return to the dialogue table with Pakistan, says Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and added that she was “very impressed” with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s discussion with his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani in Egypt.

Even a child can read between the lines Prime Minister that we have bent backwards to please “Memsahib” at the cost of the country.

The second incident involves around climate change negotiations.

Has India blinked in the climate change negotiations? This seems to be the case as at the Major Economies Forum meeting in Italy, India has gone back on some of its key principles — like a refusal to accept emission caps — that it held to be non-negotiable till just before the G-8 meet in Italy.

In the course of some tough negotiations, India appears to have bent a bit in the face of pressure from industrialized countries, and the biggest compromise at the MEF was to accept that all countries would work to reduce emissions in order to not let global temperatures rise more than 2 degrees above pre-industrialisation levels.

Again, has this has been done to please the “Memsahib”, only time will tell.
Our penchant for pleasing “Uncle Sam” is growing day by day. What a climbdown from the lofty Non Aligned Movement of the Iron Lady of India, late Mrs. Indira Gandhi.

Dr. Singh, you have been a disappointment, a let down and seem to be sandwiched between two ladies.


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