To Retire or not to Retire….. Sachin

Sunil Gavaskar once mentioned that “one should quit when people ask ‘why’ and not ‘why not'”. Sadly Sachin isnt listening to the original Little Master. Every conversation on cricket be it in the newspaper, TV Channels, Online Chat forums, cricket stadiums and all around the globe, one question on everyones lips is “when is Sachin calling it quits”.
He has achieved every conceivable milestone, reached the pinnacle of his life and even safely perched himself in Indian Politics but sadly he doesnt think its time for him to kiss goodbye to Indian cricket. He isnt getting younger and is one of the oldest serving cricketer in the International arena. His form is wavering and the manner of his dismissals – bowled is a pointer that his reflexes are waning. He needs to play more matches but his body isnt able to hold on and he needs plenty of rests inbetween and that hinders his match preparedness and his performance.
From what started as a whisper its now turning out loud and clear that his fans dont want him to wane into obscurity but want him to quit on a high. The damage is already done and before it erodes his image any further, Sachin must call it quits. Will he dare like Saurav did announce his retirement before hand and finish of his career with a wonderful series like Saurav Ganguly did in his farewell Australian series.
No matter who you are and what ever position you may have reached, a day will come when one has to bid good bye and Sachin may well pay heed to his illustrious colleagues like Saurav, Rahul and VVS to hang his boots sooner than later.

Well will the Little Master pay heed…… only time will tell………..

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