VVS Lakshman bids adieu ……. Age doesnt matter in Sports

Its ironical that after he was named for the 2 tests against New Zealand at Home and he has been training hard for the test, VVS Lakshman suddenly announces his retirement from International Cricket. There is something amiss here and we need to read between the lines.
He has been one of the most reliable cricketer. “Cometh the hour, cometh the man.” “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”.
How many matches has he saved or won for India and yet he has perenially been on the chopper block with a democales sword hanging on him always. Our selectors have been grossly unfair to him and have hastened his end. No doubt Saurav Ganguly rightly said “age shouldnt matter, only performance should matter”.

There has been an undue haste to dissolve the Fab Four by Dhoni and his cronies. Saurav, Rahul and VVS could have played for some more time and could have had a graceful exit. Saurav was in the peak of his form in the last year of his career and yet he was forced to wind up.

Mary Kom, Rogerer Federrer, Andre Agassi have all shown that age doesnt matter and people can maintain peak performance well beyond their age…………

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